Outside Events

Participation in the 5th Islamic Solidarity Sports Games



In implementation of the plan of Oman Olympic Committee (OOC) for 2022 regarding international participation, and based on the decision of OOC Board of Directors participation in the 5th Sports Games of Islamic Solidarity was held in Konya, Turkey, during the period from 9 to 18 August 2022, with a delegation consisting of (45) participants, including (26) men and (4) female players representing five games, namely: (athletics, swimming, shooting, weightlifting, and cycling). This was in cooperation and integration with the sports federations that have expressed their desire to participate in the tournament according to the approved qualitative indicators and standards by achieving one of the following: The medals in the tournament, in addition to the talented young athletes who are being prepared in the long term for the two sessions, Paris 2024 and Los Angeles 2028.



No. Game No. Players (Male) No. Players (Female) Technical Team Total
1 athletics 10 1 6 17
2 swimming 3 2 5
3 Shooting 6 3 3 12
4 Weight lifting 2 1 3
5 Bicycles 5 3 8
Total 26 4 15 45







No. Game Gold Medal Silver Medal Bronze Medal Total
1 athletics 1 2 3
2 swimming  
3 Weight lifting 1 1
4 Shooting
5 Bicycles
Total 1 1 2 4